I have started couponing back up to get ready for baby. Plus, it's around that time that I replenish some items. I have been on the lookout for diapers, wipes and other baby items. So far, the deals have not been that great, but it is definitely better than if I were to purchase it last minute without a sale and or coupon to stack. So far I have bought 5 boxes of diapers, 4 jumbo packs of wipes, 2 newborn bottle sets and some baby clothes. I love love the baby clothes that I got so far! They are so adorable.
We went in for our 20 weeks checkup and ultrasound. We saw the baby move and kick! It was so exciting. We also learned baby Nguyen is going to be a GIRL! I am beyond excited! I've always wanted a girl as my first. I have this thing about girls loving and showing their parents more love (especially from what I have experienced in my culture). I am also happy to hear that baby is doing well and looking healthy!

So far I have gained a total of 13 pounds. I am not too worried about gaining too much weight. I know I will be fine. My daily workouts really help in keep us healthy and active. Baby has grown alot from the 19th to the 20th week. I can tell from the bump. The past Wednesday was the first time we felt baby kick from the inside. It was such a precious moment! She has been moving alot more since then. I have felt it everyday since then. I can't imagine how it'd be like in a few months when she is bigger and moving around alot more. I hear it can interrupt sleep. I am still sleeping very well! I am taking full advantage of that because I know I will miss it come late February.
I have started thinking about her shower. I am such a planner, so I am being quite controlling of it and not letting my sisters do it 100%. It is ALOT of work and I want to be an active participant. I would like a more casual get together. I want my brothers there, so it's going to be co-ed. It most definitely is going to be a pink and white occasion along with lots of flowers and butterflies. Kapoon and sweets must be on the menu!
We are so excited to meet our little one. This is the perfect time. God sure has his/her way of letting wonderful things happen at the right time. I FEEL ready. We have lead a life full of wonderful experiences and we're ready to be parents now. We've done the parties, the "Fun" and want this. My co-worker asked me the other day if I missed drinks and going out to have fun. I don't miss it. Maybe I might miss it later on. But I want to enjoy this moment, the now. Those other moments, I have had plenty of. Life has already changed. IT is not about me or just me and honey... but about our little family!