Tuesday, May 20, 2014

...:Confessions of a Breast Feeding Mom:...

I have to admit the following:

#1 I want to quit!
Medela parts
#2 I want my body back. I want to feel like I own my body again. It’s been nearly a year since my body was mine. If I were to have another child and EBF too; it’ll be over 4 years of giving up my body.
#3 I am tired of washing and cleaning pump parts! My hands are so dry and I hate putting on lotion now.
#4 My boobs are huge and I feel unattractive at the moment.
#5 When my boobs are engorged, I am angry. Pumping them becomes top priority and I become a mean person.
#6 I can’t enjoy a glass or wine without guilt of wasting milk.
#7 When I work pass the guiltiness and try to enjoy a glass of wine, it just makes me sleepy and I end up falling asleep instead of enjoying it.
#8 Even if my princess sleeps more than 4 hours (which she is starting to sleep 4-5 hours now), my boobs do not let me. Milk drips and makes a mess. I hate wasting milk.
#9 I can’t diet. I feel like I am still pregnant. I have not lost all my baby weight yet. I feel guilty that I am thinking about my physical self. I can’t diet or workout hardcore because I had a c-section and I don’t want to loose my milk supply. Even though, I know nursing will bring to supply back up.
#10 I hate wearing clothes, especially bras! I fear leakage!
#11 Plus more......

There are more complaints about BF than there are joys, but the joys triumphs over  the complaints.

I continue to BF because the the following few reasons:
#1 It is healthiest for my child.
#2 There is a strong bond between mommy and child. I love the feeling of being able to provide her with the nutrients that she needs to sustain life. I love the feeling of her needing me. And I have to admit the feeling of releasing the tension feels good too. The feeling that she needs me is beyond words.
#3 Breastmilk is cheaper… even though I am skeptical about it since my Medela Breast Pump was $250, which does not include cream, pads, wipes, bags and other accessories needed.
#4 No periods!!

These 4 simple reasons are so much more important that all my 9 + complaints. Even though I want to give up, I know I won’t do it. The maternal instincts in my will not allow myself to give up.

How long will I BF for?
Love beyond words
I have been storing milk and over producing (which is a good thing in my book). I plan to continue to stimulate my breast and over produce. I want to stop when she is close to 12 months and just use the frozen milk from there. What I did to increase my supply was drink alot of water, ate (still eating) more calories, pump every 3-4 hours and nurse every chance I get even if it’s only been an hour since I pumped. Every night I take out frozen milk for my husband to give her during the day while I am at work and leave the newly expressed milk that I just pumped the morning of.

Breakfast made by my hubby
Mother’s Day
I had my first Mother’s Day. All I wanted and asked for was to enjoy a few simple things in life. I don’t need a diamond upgrade, a spa treatments or anything expensive…. What I wanted was a bit more sleep and breakfast in bed. I ended up having a glass of wine and a few slices of cheese Saturday night. My husband woke up to feed her while I woke up to pump and dump. My husband made us french toast, bacon sausage and scrambled eggs for breakfast. It was delicious and I enjoyed every second of Mother’s Day with my two loves.

Wednesday, May 7, 2014

..:Our First Family Trip to Chicago:..

I was quite nervous about taking Emma on the plane. I was afraid she'd cry due to the pressure. I didn't want to be one of those annoying passengers whose kid woke up everyone on the plane.

After reading several blogs and looking at some advice on Pinterest, I came up with a game-plan.
  • Fed her and pumped an hour before boarding
  • Played with her until 10 minutes before boarding
  • Fed her again before boarding
  • Boarded the plane and let her sleep
  • Had a bottle ready in case she woke up
She slept the whole time flying to Chicago and even on the way back home. She did wake up, but took the bottle and went right back to sleep. Now, our July trip is going to be a breeze to PA!

Emma's First Trip
Must Eat in Chicago
Something that was a struggle during our trip was nursing her. I am not quite comfortable nursing in public yet, so whenever I needed/wanted to nurse to release some tension, we went to the bathroom. She didn't nurse well. I don't blame her. It was definitely uncomfortable and yes disgusting. This meant that we had to go back to the hotel every 4-5 hours so that I could pump. She also needed more milk too. 

Now my sisters and I are thinking about taking a trip back to Chicago. It'll only be 3-4 days. But I am concern about my milk supply. I read that it should be fine as long as I pump. It will dwindle down a bit, but I just need to nurse once I return and my supply should return to normal. I am so excited about starting my summer break. I still have 4 weeks left, but I can NOT wait to spend every waking hour with my little princess. During the summer, I would like to nurse more often and pump less. This is a guarantee that she is receiving  fresh milk and more nutrition. 

Let's smile together!