Saturday, June 4, 2016

..:Day #1 of Being a Stay Home Mommy:..

I'm counting today as Day #1 of the start of my SHM (Stay Home Mommy) time. Yesterday was the last day of school. It was a great last day of school! I had a great time with the students and staff. I felt so loved and appreciated! Now it's onto this new adventure of mine.... this wonderful adventure of teaching, learning and enjoying motherhood.

Today, even though, it's a Saturday and I am not teaching... but it's the first day in a looong time that I am not writing lesson plans. I am not thinking about other kids besides just mine. :) I can just simply be with Emma and pay 110% to her without thinking of work or spending 5 hours writing lessons.

This morning, Emma woke up around 6:30 AM. We did out regular morning routine and took the time to make pancakes. She was so happy mixing and watching me make the pancakes on the stove. We took our precious time eating breakfast and washing the dishes. Then we had playtime and drawing time before my doc appointment. It felt so nice not to have to rush just so I can get to work an hour before work (if you didn't know teachers show up 1-2 hours before and after their required hours just to get ready and do prep work).

Emma is napping now. When she gets up, we'll have a snack, blow bubbles, go for a walk, play and read until dinner time. Tonight I'm going to make weekly plans of the lessons I will teach her. It won't be as detailed as my school lesson plans because we need lots of wiggle room. But I want to make sure that we're getting in our "education in." My smart little girl is such a sponge, she's going to have so much fun learning!

I know this is going to change in three weeks when Julian arrives... But I have the next 3 weeks with my beautiful baby girl.

"Dear Emma,
You're our first born and our first experience in all the milestones of a baby. It was so beautiful seeing your first smile, your first tooth down to your first steps and your first words. You're our first "I love you" and our first unconditional love. When you were born, we knew and experienced a greater love than the love that we had for each other.
With your little brother coming in the three weeks, you will not have our undivided attention. But we know that you will be a wonderful big sister. We know that you are so sweet and thoughtful that you will welcome your brother with open arms and help mommy and daddy. I'm not sorry... I am happy and thankful that I can give you another person to rely on during your lifetime.
If you ever feel sad, unappreciated or unloved because there is another little one around; just know that you were our first love. It doesn't mean we love you less, but only that our love for you have grown. We love you so much and perhaps even more than before because we're seeing what a great, smart and beautiful girl you are becoming. Already you have made us so proud! You took your first steps at 10 months and was walking around on your first birthday. You're learning so many things and words as a two year old using complete sentences and thoughts. Emma, you are beautiful. You are intelligent. You are very important. Mommy and Daddy will always love you!

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