Monday, December 27, 2010

.:I know your heard this before:.

At a Christmas event the past weekend, a friend asked me "How did you do it?" "Do what?" I said. "You know loose weight and how much weight have you lost?" Hmmm.. Well I was 120 in Jan 2010 and now I am 115. 5lbs doesn't seem like alot, but it's alot on my small 5 feet frame. Here is what I said to her...

1. Exercise. This is so important. Remember it's weights first and then cardio. You need more energy to lift than on the treadmill. Or else, split your days up. You have to do weights to tone up. You'll reach a plateau and when you are there, you'll have to up your weights.
2. Diet. I use to workout and then eat alot and I was just maintaining. I ate what I burned. This year I learned about false hunger. Hunger triggered by boredom, emotions and thirst. I am definitely more conscious of what I put into my body. You are what you eat. To truly DIET one actually needs to get over your false hunger. Your suppose to be hungry because you are changing the amount of calories you are eating. Food is fuel for your body... its not meant to be extra weight or a temporarily solution to your feelings.
3. All MENTAL. Yes, you gotta change the way you think about eating, working out, your feelings and yourself.  You MUST believe in yourself.

All seems so easy and logical right? It's alot harder to do then said. But it can be done. How bad do you want it? Do you want it enough to keep it up for 3 weeks, 3 months or 3 years? It's a lifestyle change, not just change to look good for beach season.. Why keep putting your body through so much strain.

Love yourself. Love your body.

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