Wednesday, May 7, 2014

..:Our First Family Trip to Chicago:..

I was quite nervous about taking Emma on the plane. I was afraid she'd cry due to the pressure. I didn't want to be one of those annoying passengers whose kid woke up everyone on the plane.

After reading several blogs and looking at some advice on Pinterest, I came up with a game-plan.
  • Fed her and pumped an hour before boarding
  • Played with her until 10 minutes before boarding
  • Fed her again before boarding
  • Boarded the plane and let her sleep
  • Had a bottle ready in case she woke up
She slept the whole time flying to Chicago and even on the way back home. She did wake up, but took the bottle and went right back to sleep. Now, our July trip is going to be a breeze to PA!

Emma's First Trip
Must Eat in Chicago
Something that was a struggle during our trip was nursing her. I am not quite comfortable nursing in public yet, so whenever I needed/wanted to nurse to release some tension, we went to the bathroom. She didn't nurse well. I don't blame her. It was definitely uncomfortable and yes disgusting. This meant that we had to go back to the hotel every 4-5 hours so that I could pump. She also needed more milk too. 

Now my sisters and I are thinking about taking a trip back to Chicago. It'll only be 3-4 days. But I am concern about my milk supply. I read that it should be fine as long as I pump. It will dwindle down a bit, but I just need to nurse once I return and my supply should return to normal. I am so excited about starting my summer break. I still have 4 weeks left, but I can NOT wait to spend every waking hour with my little princess. During the summer, I would like to nurse more often and pump less. This is a guarantee that she is receiving  fresh milk and more nutrition. 

Let's smile together!

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